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  • 画芯尺寸:90 × 68 cm
  • 制作工艺:纯手工绘制
  • 原料材质:天然矿物颜料和黄金,手磨藏布
  • 微信电话:774952713 / 13658988811

绿度母是西藏人民最为喜爱的菩萨之一,为观音菩萨眼泪的化现。左手持一株蓝色花瓣的百合或半开莲花,额上无眼,是她与白度母在外形上的区别。 藏族人民相信唐朝的文成公主即为绿度母的化身。供养礼敬或尊崇绿度母可灭一切罪业、魔障,可救一切灾难。提升智慧,一切所求皆能遂愿,成就极速。


绿度母心咒:“嗡。大咧。度大咧度咧苏哈。” (梵文:Oṃ Tāre Tuttāre Ture Svāhā)。

The Green Tara, or Shyamatara, sits on a lotus in a small lake that was formed from Avalokiteshvara's tear. Her right had is held in Varamudra, the gesture of giving, offering believers her help. The thumb and forefinger of her left hand are pressed together in the symbol of wisdom and compassion. Her three raised fingers represent the Triratna: the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. In Tibet, Tara is incarnated in all virtuous women. She has a mortal base in the the Nepali and Chinese princess who married the great King Songtsan Gampo and is credited with the introduction of Buddhism to Tibet. The Green Tara offers protection from all dangers, consisting of: lions, snakes, elephants, thieves, fire, water, demons, and prisons. In Tibet, it is thought that by making offerings to the Green Tara, a person will live a smooth life and their descendants will grow to prosper and his virtue and achievements will be unlimited.