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唐卡是藏族文化中一种独具特色的绘画艺术形式,2006年唐卡被国务院、文化部批准确定的第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。 唐卡,来源于藏语的音译,简言之就是一种卷轴画,它的画面内容以宗教题材为主,具有鲜明的民族特点、浓郁的宗教色彩和独特的艺术风格,历来被人们视为珍宝。在藏地任何一座寺庙、佛堂、僧舍乃至信徒的家中,都供有唐卡。



























I:Origin of Thangka


Tangka is originated from the sound translation of Tibetan Language.It is a kind of picture roll. The subject of these pictures are mostly religious. This is a special form of art inTibetan Buddhism.It is always regarded by people as a precious treasure. People pay respect to Tangka everywhere in the temple, in the Buddhist house, in the monks house and layman's homes.

If we count from the wall pictures, Tebetan pictures have a history of more than two thousand years.(There were people living in Tibet at that time.)But the Tangka appeared in the seventh century. It began from Songzhang Yubu who established Tufan Dynasty.After Songzhang Yubu unified Tebet, the Princess Chizhun from Nepal and the Princess Wencheng from China married to the King of Tibet. These two princesses brought Buddhism into Tibet. Then the Da Zhao Monastery and Xiao Zhao Monastery palace buildings were established.According to the book named[The contents of Dazhao Monastery] written by the fifth generation Dalai. It said, " Dharma King [Songzang Ganbu] used his nose blood to draw a picture of Bramu Godess. After that, During the Caibawan Huzhang period, When the living Buddha Guozhuxi was making the statue of Godess Bramu, he put the picture as a core into the hollow of the statue.This is the earliest record of Tangka. Thus we may be sure Tangka was an art of drawing risen during the Songzhang Ganbu period.


II:The classification


Tangka is classified by quality and by making method. There are two kinds of Tangka, they are:drawing Tangka and embroidered Tangka.

Drawing Tangka is drawn with pigment on cloth( cotton cloth, silk cloth and paper).

They are classified under five patterns:

Coloured Tangka, Golden Tangka, Black Tangka, Bright Red Tangka, Trace a design in gold Tangka. The pigment is made from natural minerals. The colour is bright and beautiful. It would not fade in a thousand years.

Coloured Tangka: It is made from many kinds of pigment. It is the main pattern in Tangka.

Golden Tangka: The base colour is golden. Then it is drawn by bright red line and black line. It is an expensive pattern in Tangka.

Bright red Tangka: black Tangka are drawn with golden, red, white and trace a design in white on the base bright red or black paper. Embroidered Tangka is made with silk. They are made by the technic of embroidery, brocade and weaving. They are classified into: embroidery, weaving, embossing embroidery, embossing satin. Some Tangka are inlaid with pearls, jade and precious gems on colourful Tangka. It is really very beautiful and luxurious. Tibetan embroidery Tangka are made mostly by skill workers from River South, Suzhou. Nowadays embroidery and flower sticking may be produced in Tibet.

There is also printing Tangka. This Tangka should be drawn, wood cut, printing, colouring and assembling. It is like printing pictures.

The subjects of Tangka are mostly Buddha, Bodhisattva, Dharma guardian, Protection God of Honorable One. Bodhimanda, religious persons like generation masters, Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama, and others like astronomy, pharmaceutics, history, foldlord etc. About 80% of Tangkas are related to Tibetan Buddhism. Even if they are describing Tibetan history or Tibetan science, they are also pronounced religious colour.



III:The significance of Tangka


Tangka has a good use to carry forward Buddhism. Mr. Zhang Hong Shi said in { Exploring Tibetan Tangka } "Buddhism is simple in the primary stage. The theory developed for a long period of time and became very complicated. Profound theory must be consider very carefully, otherwise it is not so easy to be understood. Picture became a very important explaining tool. So it is drawn on the special Tibetan religious roll pictures 'Tangka'. "Mr. Tuqi also said in [ Tibetan picture rolls ]: " The job of Tibetan art is spreading the same religious content with a vision form.

That means Tangka may make the profound Buddhist theory concrete. In fact, this is a method used by all religions. Because we must consider the cultural level of the religious audience. Most of them are illiterate. Even if in Christianity which is against idolatry. The Pope Gelie Gaoli said: "Since the article may be effective to the literate, the pictures may do the same to the illiterate. (Gongbu Lixi said in {The story of art} page 135) Tibetan people has their own culture until the seventh century. Illiterate rate is very high. Tangka is a picture edition of text books for them.

Some pictures which do the same job as spreading Buddhism. Another form is wall picture.(sculpture is also one kind of the forms). Comparing with wall pictures, Tangka has an obvious advantage that is easy to carry. Because the Tibetan people has a habit of moving very often. Tangka is a kind of movable Buddhist pictures created. soon afterwards

Tangka is also used for contemplation. In Tebetan Buddhism, Contemplation to the Main Honorable Master. Meditation, worshiping are very important esoteric cultivation method in Tibetan Buddhism. For example, mantra is the essence of esoteric cultivation method. Furthermore, the painting artists of Tangka and the donators who employ the artists have outstanding merits and virtues. Artists and donators themselves are cultivators.


V:How to appreciate Tangkas?


Tangkas are so beautiful. How can we enjoy them? First of all, Tangka has a special fixed structure. We can understand the level of the Tangka from the structure and enjoy the Tangka.

In a Tangka, the fundamental Honorable One is lacated at the center. The upper part is space. The lower part is the ground. The fundamental Honorable One is the object for offering. This must be appointed by the Senior Master. The space is where the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas staying at. It is also entitled the sage area. The ground is where the immortals, the Dharma guardians and sanghas staying at. It is also entitled the world area. If you consider your master teacher is already liberated and accompleshed Buddhahood, you can put him into the sage area. Besides, there are some other special structures like Five Bodhimandas assembly and square forms etc.

We have said before Tangkas are the concrete products from the abstract Buddhist theory. We express the subject via the pictures and symbols. Every picture and symbol has its special meaning. It is the most important to understand the meaning of the pictures and the symbols. These symbol language has its strict regulation. There are regulations to follow. These regulations mainly manifest on the cloths, features, colour of skin, seals, siting posture. What they are holding and what they are riding, etc.




Beautiful and complicated Tangkas are drawn by artists. It takes half an year or one year to complete a picture. But the artists seldom leave their names. Except that they are already very famous Buddhist master teachers. For exemple, They are Adixia, zongkeba, Sajiaban Zhidagong Gajianzan etc. Besides, there are some very famous artists as the Luozadan Zengluobu in Front Tibet and the Quyin Jiacuo, Rongbasuo Langjiebu, Jiangyang Wangbu etc in the Back Tibet. They left their names in the Tibetan painting history.

In the Tibetan art, no matter he is a painter or a carving master, normally they don't leave their names. Because they think that in the course of production is a kind of cultivation. A traditional painting master, they are not only interested in this job, but also devout Buddhists. They are strictly riligious trained. Besides painting method, they must recite Buddhist Sutras, remember the theory of the Sutras, regulations, pictures and size. Therefore Tangka producers are mostly painting monks. They have a double identity of both painting masters and cultivators.

Those believers believe that a Tangka drawn by a great painting master obtains a great strengthen power. Therefore a painting master must work according to regulations of pictures and size. They can not create structure, form, proportion and colour at their own will. That is the restriction of Tangka art. Its form is not free. Because the creativity of private artist is limited. Some people say the Tangka painters are only painters. They are not artists. Such a commentary is not fair.


13601...  发表于  2012-03-14 22:56:24