

  • 画芯尺寸:66 * 92 cm
  • 制作工艺:纯手工绘制,可镜框或藏式装裱
  • 原料材质:藏布,纯黄金,天然矿物颜料

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大威德金刚 (Yamantaka)又称牛头明王,阎曼德迦,为文殊菩萨的忿怒相。威,即降伏恶魔的威猛力量;德,即智慧催破烦恼业障。“阎曼德迦”意为“死亡的调伏者”,由于征服了死亡,也即脱离了生死的迷雾。本尊九面表大乘九部经典,二角表二谛,三十四手及身语意表三十七道品,十六足表十六空性,本尊拥明妃表大乐,足踏物右为八成就,左为八自在清净,裸身者表障不覆藏,发上竖表般若涅盘果位。总义表了解三十七道品瑜伽,证悟十六空性,自与空乐无有差别,成就与殊胜共同两种悉地,障碍消尽,得大自在涅盘。本尊威力能制服天龙八部,断一切障碍,能解脱中阴身的迷惑,对制死魔与极大磨难。可调心之暴、直心之曲、定心之散。

Yamantaka is also called "the Destroyer of Death" or "the Fearful Thunderbolt". The fierce Maharaja is portrayed with a buffalo head. He controls the demons of the west, and is a wrathful manifestation of Manjushri in the full expression of his powers. He is also a meditation deity belonging to Anutrarayoga tantra. He is a protector of Buddhism and is able to suppress evil-doers and protect good. He embraces a female companion, symbolizing the union between wisdom and method.